In the Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds
Any kind of language coming from Him
O Muslimah,
Do you know? There is a whole Surah (Chapter) in the noble Qur’an by the name (Suratul Nisaa (women)).
The first martyr in Islam was a woman (Sumayya).
The first person who believed in Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was a woman (Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her).
The recommendation prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) gave to his nation before he died was to treat you well.
You are the half of the society, and you raise the other half, how high your status is! And because you are so precious, Islam honored you with Hijab for preserving your chastity and purity …
You are a Muslimah! ^^
Oh muslimah
Allah cinta kepadamu
Rasulullah kasih kepadamu
Berbahagialah kau telah dilahirkannya dengan mulia
Tuhan telah berkati wanita yang cukup ilmu
Rendah hati
busanamu menutup rapi
auratmu kau lindungi dengan indahnya
kau rajin mengaji
Islam kau jadikan ikutan sejati
memandangmu menyejuk hati
menundukkan nafsu hati yang goyah
Keayuan wanita solehah indah peribadi
Tulus hatinya
Kecantikan yang sebenar
Pada tutur kata penuh berhikmah
Mempertahan kehormatan dirimu
dengan pakaian mentaati Allah
Kau masuk ke syurga
Solat lima waktu dan berpuasa
Menundukkan pandangan matamu
Mentaati suami yang tercinta
Muslimah - Nazrey Johani
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