
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Kalki Avatar ialah Muhammad. Apa kaitannya?

In the Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds
Any kind of language coming from Him

Muhammad in the Hindu Scriptures

Muhammad saw is the great person ever.

Hindus along with the rest of the world are all ears about the coming of Kalki Avatar, the last great man.

I heard a talked from an Ustaz which he previously not a muslim. He now a muslim! Alhamdulillah.

Okay, sambung…ustaz ni cerita banyak scriptures have described Muhammad saw in various ways.

He has been mentioned in many places in the Vedas and Puranas.

Muslims say that this last great man of Kalki (yang bermaksud final) is IN FACT MUHAMMAD SAW.

Bila ustaz ni ceritakan berkaitan Kalki Avatar ni saya terus cari buku dan google. And it is an interesting story about learning Muhammad!

Apa yang interesting nya?

Well, Dr. Ved Prakash Upaddhayaya a research scholar in Sanskrit recently made a statement.

According to him, Muhammad saw has been described in the vedas and the puranas in four different ways.
Antaranya :-

-Narashangsa (The Praised One)

-Antim Rishi (Final Stage)…yelah, even dalam Quran pun ada mengatakan Muhammad saw itu ialah Nabi utusan Allah demi menyampaikan risalah Islam.

-Kalki Avatar (The Sage For the Last Period)…Nabi Terakhir kita!

-Muhammad dalam kitab Veda.

Nabi Muhammad adalah Rasul terakhir selepas Nabi Isa yakni lebih dikenali sebagai Jesus.

Rasulullah saw telah diturunkan sebagai pesuruh Allah dengan wujudnya Al-Quran sebagai petunjuk kebenaran.

Kiranya Nabi kita Muhammad saw telah menyelesaikan tugasnya sebagai Nabi terakhir dan kita adalah umatnya. Umat Akhir Zaman!

As the Quran reveals in chapter al-Ahzab verses 40;

“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and The Final Seal of the Prophets.”

In a narration, the Prophet said,

“My similitude in comparison with the other Prophets before me is similar to a palace built nicely and beautifully, except for a placement of one brick. The onlookers wonder at the beauty of its construction except for the place of that brick. So I am that brick and I am the seal of the Prophets,”
(hadis riwayat Bukhari)

HEALING by Sami Yusuf! My favourite song ^^

It’s so hard to explain
قد يصعب عليّ أن أعبر
What I’m feeling
عمّا يختلج في قلبي
But I guess it’s ok
لكن اعتقادي
Cause I’ll keep believing
ينبع من إيماني
There’s something deep inside
هناك شيء في الأعماق

Something that’s calling
It’s calling you and I
يناديني ويناديك
It’s taking us up high
يرتقي بنا إلى الأعلى

Healing, a simple act of kindness brings such meaning
الشفاءقد يتجسّد في عمل بسيط لطيف
A smile can change a life let’s start believing
بسمة قد تغير حياة الإنسان
And feeling, let’s start healing
فلنبدأ بعمل يكون فيه شفاء

Heal and you will be healed
شفاء بشفاء .. ومع كل شفاء شفاء
Break every border
اكسر القيود والحدود
Give and you will receive
اعط تُعطى .. فالعطاء يوجب عطاء
It’s Nature’s order
نظام كوني رباني
There is a hidden force
هناك قوى خفية
Pulling us closer
تجذب بعضنا لبعض
It’s pulling you and I
تجذبني أنا وأنت
It’s pulling us up high
تجذبنا للأعلى

Healing, a simple act of kindness brings such meaning
الشفاءقد يتجسّد في عمل بسيط لطيف
A Smile can change a life let’s start believing
بسمة قد تغير حياة الإنسان
And feeling, let’s start healing
فلنبدأ بعمل يكون فيه شفاء

Hearts in the hand of another heart and in God’s hand are all hearts
قلب بين يدي قلب و بيد الله كل قلب
An eye takes care of another eye and from God’s eye nothing hides
عين ترعى عينا .. وعين الله ترعى، و لا شيء عنه يخفى
Seek only to give and you’ll receive
إسع نحوالعطاءو ستلقى و تعطى
So, heal and you will be healed
إشف.. و سوف تشفى

 Lyrics are taken from


Mumtaz for Ummah. Mari Jadi Hamba Superb! ^^

1 comment:

  1. Teachings of Prophet Muhammad -
